
Sonntag, 20. Dezember 2015

Firestorm Armada Battlereport

Had a game of Firestorm Armada last friday. 800 Points, my Sorylians vesrus a fleet of the Directorate.

Lists (as i remember):
Me: Carrier+2 Cruiser, 4Cruiser, 2x 4 Frigates.
Directorate: Carrier+RDCruiser, 3Cruiser, 2 Destroyer, 4 Frigates, 4 Drones
Scenario: Border Clash

Setup as shown in the first pic:
I deployed my fleet in the center of the table, leaving the cruiser squadron in reserve. The Directorate deployed along the whole table edge.

Next pic is from the second turn.

My frigate squadrons took course to the center of the table, getting the most from the firing arcs. The cruisers shunted in the back of the directorate fleet, wreaking havog among the R&D Cruiseers, the Frigates and the Cruisers. Directorate answered with Cyberwarefare, lighting up a cruiser like a christmas tree with warning signs. :)

Next turn we saw the first losses for the Sorylians, decimating a frigate squadron to half their strength and loosing a cruiser. The frigates and cruiser tryed their best to get the most dice in all firing arcs, making some good damage. The carrier and his accompaniments went for the destroyers on the left flank, also killing things with their side arcs. Interesting side note: nearly all wings on both sides got shot down in defensive fire. :o

After the next turn, the table was cleared from most of the directorate, with the sorylians only loosing some more frigates and cruisers, but never a whole squadron.

The end of turn 4 was the end of the game, leaving only the directorate carrier left of the enemys forces.

Battlele: 10/-5 for the Sorylians.

Regards and stay tuned for updates.